13 research outputs found

    A method to manage the co-evolution of product an organization architectures.

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    International audienceComplex systems design and especially automotive design is facing continuous technological evolution that needs stronger integration. To tackle this issue, a method for modeling products and organizations architectures is presented. This method will be completed by a "management by uncertainty" tool to help managers anticipate the co-evolutions of project domains and properly structure these domains

    Architecture des systèmes complexes : modélisation et pilotage par l'incertitude.

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    National audienceLa conception des systèmes complexes et plus précisément la conception de l'automobile fait face à des évolutions technologiques continues qu'il faut savoir intégrer et adapter. Dans cet article, nous proposons une méthode pour modéliser l'architecture des produits et des organisations et nous présentons brièvement ce que pourrait être un outil, basé sur pilotage par l'incertitude, permettant de faire coévoluer l'organisation et le produit dans le but d'atteindre un niveau de prestation donné

    Architecture des produits et des organisations : modélisation et pilotage par l'incertitude.

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    International audienceLa conception des systèmes complexes et plus précisément la conception de l'automobile fait face à des évolutions technologiques continues qu'il faut savoir intégrer et adapter. Dans cet article, nous proposons une méthode pour représenter l'architecture des produits et des organisations et nous présentons brièvement ce que pourrait être un outil, basé sur la gestion de l'incertitude, permettant de faire coévoluer l'organisation et le produit dans le but d'atteindre un niveau de prestation donné

    Defining product architectures.

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    International audienceIdentifying product architectures is recognized as a critical activity during the preliminary design phase since the selected architecture has a great impact on the product quality, on the organization of the following phases of the design project and on the global performance of this project. System architects need methods to pre-determine cohesive modules and integrative elements. In this paper we present a new method to jointly design the functional and physical architectures. Starting from an incidence matrix that represents the couplings between elements of two domains (here, functions and components), it generates a Design Structure Matrix (DSM) for each domain. Each DSM is then rearranged by a clustering algorithm in order to reveal a "satisfactory" architecture. To illustrate our approach, we present an industrial case study in the framework of a new automobile engine development project

    Product, Processes and Organization Architectures Modeling : from strategic expectations to strategic competences.

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    International audienceComplex systems design and especially automotive design is facing continuous technological evolution that needs stronger integration. In this paper, a method for representing system architecture is presented. This method is based on dependencies and constraints propagation which allows us to focus on the co-evolution of product, organization and processes domains

    Simulating change propagation between product architecture and development organization.

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    International audienceIn order to limit the effects of technological change on product design, concepts like product architecture and modularity have been introduced, in order to support complex product development. In engineering design, numerous works have studied this central issue but change propagation within product architecture has been hardly addressed. Concerning organizational issues, many researchers in the field of industrial engineering have paid careful attention to new organization design but hardly to an incremental evolution of project organization. Galbraith (1977) highlighted that product architecture and development organization were strongly interrelated. However, little research has studied this relationship, and the need for a coherent model of product and organization co-evolution remains. This paper aims at presenting a matrix-based method that should help design managers to simulate change propagation between product architecture and development organization. This method uses a "management by uncertainty" approach and a mathematical model in order to propagate change. An industrial case study illustrates it in case of component changes

    A fuzzy method for propagating functional architecture constraints to physical architecture.

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    International audienceModular product design has received great attention for about 10 years, but few works have proposed tools to either jointly design the functional and physical architectures or propagate the impact of evolutions from one domain to another. In this paper, we present a new method supporting the product architecture design. In new product development situations or in reengineering projects, system architects could use this method in the early design stages to predetermine cohesive modules and integrative elements and to simulate a domain architecture by propagating architecture choices from another domain. To illustrate our approach, we present an industrial case study concerning the design of a new automobile powertrain

    Vers une conception conjointe des architectures du produit et de l'organisation du projet dans le cadre de l'Ingénierie Système.

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    When a company makes the strategic decision of launching a new product family or redesigning an existing product, the system architect is in charge of designing and making evolve the architecture of this product. The system architect is also the Development Project (DP) manager and thus he is in charge of conceiving or making evolve at the same time the DP organization (Design Teams). In this memory, our objective was to develop models and methods making it possible to help the system architects in this double duty. In short, we propose in this work a method for designing both product and organization architectures in the preliminary phases of the DP. In Engineering System context, our method is based on the definition of our own concepts of product architecture and modularity and in their extension to DP organization. We propose then in coherence with our positioning, a clustering algorithm using DSM representation tool, the algorithm objective is to reveal project domains architectures starting from their matrix representation (DSM). The use of our method is tightly related to the design situations that the architect can face. In this memory, we identified four of them. For each one of these situations, we propose a method for architectures designing, calling upon a Fuzzy Logic treatment. Each one of these situations is then illustrated by an application to the design of a thermal engine in the car industry. The step presented in this chapter is a static vision of the design of architectures. By opposition to this static vision, we show the need for making co-evoluate coupled architectures. We propose then the exploration of uncertainties to model systems evolution. We develop a method based on a Fuzzy treatment to make co-evoluate disturbed architectures in order to obtain coherent ones.Lorsqu'une entreprise prend la décision stratégique de lancer une nouvelle famille de produits ou de reconcevoir un produit existant, l'architecte système a pour mission de concevoir ou de faire évoluer l'architecture de ce produit. L'architecte joue aussi le rôle de chef de projet et doit concevoir ou faire évoluer en même temps, l'organisation du projet pour la rendre plus performante. Dans ce mémoire, notre objectif est de développer des modèles et méthodes permettant d'aider les architectes système dans cette double activité. Dans le cadre de l'Ingénierie Système, notre méthode se base sur la définition de nos propres concepts d'architecture et de conception modulaire pour les étendre à la définition de l'architecture de l'organisation du projet. Nous proposons ensuite en cohérence avec notre positionnement, un algorithme de clustering utilisant l'outil DSM comme méthode de représentation, cet algorithme a pour fonction de révéler l'architecture d'un domaine en partant de sa représentation matricielle (DSM). L'application de notre méthode de développement des architectures est liée aux quatre situations de conception identifiées. Pour chacune de ces situations, nous proposons une méthode de conception des architectures, faisant appel à un traitement flou et/ou à des opérations matricielles. Chacune de ces situations est ensuite illustrée par une application à la conception d'un moteur thermique dans l'industrie automobile. La démarche présentée dans ce chapitre est une vision statique de la conception des architectures. Face cette vision statique, nous montrons la nécessité de faire « coévoluer » les architectures couplées. Nous proposons alors l'exploration des incertitudes comme méthode pour suivre l'évolution des systèmes (perturbations) étudiés. Nous développons une méthode basée sur un traitement flou pour faire coévoluer les architectures perturbées et pour les rendre cohérentes